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Explore The 1920s at Your Fingertips!
This app is designed to help museum visitors dive into the world of Shawnee, Kansas 100 years ago and experience life in a small farming community, located just a streetcar ride away from bustling Kansas City! As visitors explore the museum’s open-air exhibits featuring recreated and original historic structures, they can use the app to custom-select the stories they’d like to hear, with hours of wide-ranging content designed for audiences of all ages. The App includes separate tours of the Town and the Farmstead areas. Features include: - Easy-to-Use Tour Map with Stop Markers - Engaging Audio Tour Clips - Original interview quotes from historical Shawnee residents - Instructions for Hands-On Exhibit Activities - Hours of Audio and Video Content to Choose From - Archival Photograph Galleries - Bonus Video Clips - Information About the Museum! Shawnee Town 1929 Museum is a division of the City of Shawnee’s Parks and Recreation Department. The museum park sits just 1 block from the original and current-day downtown of Shawnee, Kansas. You can download our app on your favorite mobile device, or visit our app through your web browser!

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